Creamy Val d'Orcia - Spreadable Pecorino

From the heart of Tuscany, an unforgettable gift of taste

Caseificio Val d'Orcia
Always following the path of quality, our company wanted to offer Pecorino enthusiasts a creamy and spreadable product to be enjoyed in a variety of recipes. The simplest ones include the traditional crostini, to spread on genuine toasted bread; in addition to that, we can suggest its use to enhance a simple pasta dish. Furthermore, if desired, it can be enjoyed by the spoonful, in combination with vegetables selected based on the personal taste of each consumer.

Cremoso Naturale

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy

Creamy with Chili Pepper

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy

Creamy with Walnuts

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy

Creamy with Truffle

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy

Creamy with Saffron

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy

Creamy with Black Pepper

Spreadable Pecorino

You can purchase it at our dairy
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